Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The End

I have ploughed through the Learning 23 Things project without posting messages for every stage of the project. However, you can see I have attempted various things such as attaching RSS feeds, flikr photos, Library Things links and Youtube clips. I found it fun and admit to a bit of indulgence.
I am not too sure about the template design I have chosen because of the gaps left down the left/middle of the blog. I have tested other templates and still prefer the one I originally picked out of the designs available.
I don't know if it is possible but I would like to be able to attach a rollyo search engine to my blog. I have got one on carriage driving.

As far as ATO applications go I think there are wonderous possibilities if all ATO officers have trouble free access to the technologies demonstrated through the Learning 23 things program. Already E-Library wiki's are being built and tested. I can see team specific blogs being set up on hot topics ie Private Equity or money laundering. Mashups will be able to bring together video, audio and standard text documents in a multimedia interactive presentation appealing to the various senses and levels of adult learning.
I think some of these technologies would make Ilearns more fun to use.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Fun at Yanco

Grandson with Grandmother preparing to compete in Dressage.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Best Friend - Movie

I went and saw the French Movie My Best Friend starring Daniel Auteuil and Dany Boon. Although I do not speak French I can thoroughly recommend it as an amusing film. The basic story line is that an antique dealer (Daniel Auteuil) is challenged by his business partner to prove he has a friend so that he can keep a 200,000 $euro Greek Urn. His business partner and their associates have to meet this friend within 1 month. So the antique dealer clumsily befriends a taxi driver (Dany Boon) to win his bet and the film revolves around their relationship coming to a climax involving a popular French TV show.
As Margaret would say I give it 3 stars ***.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


This is all very spooky. I haven't worked out where this all ends up.
